The 6 Most Important Opening Principles In Chess

The 6 Most Important Opening Principles In Chess

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Hi everyone! This is the first blog I've wrote in a while, today I'm going to share with you all the 6 most important opening principles in all of chess! Without further or do, let's begin!

1. Develop your pieces and control the centre

This is probably the most important opening principle there is in chess. If you don't develop your pieces and control the centre, you literally have no pieces to attack with! This diagram below will show you why it is important to develop your pieces and control the centre.

2. Don't make too many pawn moves

The second opening principal is too not make too many pawn moves, as by making too many pawn moves, you are wasting time which could be spent developing your other pieces.

3. Castle as soon as possible

The third opening principle is to castle as quickly as possible. If you don't castle, your King will be stuck in the centre for the whole game and will likely be attacked by enemy pieces.

4. Don't bring your Queen out too early

This principle is similar to the second principle, if you bring your queen out too early you will waste time that could be spent developing your other pieces.

5. Don't move the same piece twice

It's vital not to waste a single move in developing your pieces. If you started moving the same piece around while your other pieces are still on their starting squares, you're losing time!

6. Knights before Bishops

In the opening, you'll usually want to develop your Knights before your Bishops because your Knights are easier to figure out where the best square will be. With Bishops, sometimes it takes a little while before you know where to put the Bishop to have the most effect on the board.

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Hi! I am a 1500 rapid player (1236 ECF) and I mainly write blogs teaching sub 1000 players how to improve at chess. Make sure to follow me so you'll always get notified when I write a new blog! Have a nice day happy.png