30+30 Double Round Robin 1 - Round 1 Analysis

30+30 Double Round Robin 1 - Round 1 Analysis

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This series will contain my amature analysis of the games played in a small round robin I am hosting with some friends. Take everything I say with very many grains of salt, because I most certainly do.

Round 1 - Game 1: Harrison2 - PracticeDave


Round 1 - Game 2: JPTriton - Boviced

Round 1 - Game 3: CaptNCarter - Seb32

Of the first round games I find the last to be most instructive, showing the importance of knowing the basic ideas in the openings you play. Both sides frequently missed the strength of the c5 advance and the careful manoeuvering typically demanded of the Ruy Lopez gave many insigtful examples regarding blocked pawns, diagonals and small tempo gains.