Cape Town Masters Day 3: The underdogs take over
Photo by Jesse February

Cape Town Masters Day 3: The underdogs take over

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The results from day 3 are far from what you would expect! In round 5, Khanya Mazibuko (1928) took down 18-year-old Charlton Mnyasta (2106) with the white pieces in a Sicilian [Canal Attack]. Khanya found the only move in this position to maintain equality and eventually fight for an advantage.

CM Khanya Mazibuko (1928)
Photo by Flashlight Pictures

In round 6 we saw IM Jan Karsten (2310), the top seed, face off against the tournament leader, Khanya (who was the only player on 5 points). It was a topsy-turvy game, where both sides had winning chances. This was the position after move 17. The evaluation immediately shot up to +6 in Jan's favour. Khanya blundered with a seemingly normal move 17...Bb7. What should white have played in this position to capitalize on this inaccuracy?

Jan instead, responded with 18. Nf5, still maintaining a small advantage in the position. Later on in the game, Jan got into serious time trouble, playing on mere minutes and relying heavily on the 30 second increment. Khanya began converting the advantage he had with the extra (passed!) pawn, UNTIL! In this complicated engame Khanya accidentally equalizes the position and plays 51...Rxf2? What was the correct continuation?

The game eventually ended in a draw and Khanya remained tournament leader with 5.5/6. The top 4 boards all ended in draws.

Top 6 boards from the Cape Town Masters
Photo by Jesse February

Another upset was sported between WIM Anzel Laubscher (1725) and Davida Strong (1407). We witnessed a King's Indian Attack in an attempt to counter the French Defense. Anzel had an advantage throughout the opening and middlegame. Here is a critical moment worth noting. White to move. How does white progress with their attack on the kingside?

From left to right: WIM Anzel Laubscher, Davida Strong and Robyn Klaasenand
Photo by Jesse February

With 3 games to go, players are still giving it their all. This is usually when tournament fatigue kicks in so I won't be surprised to see the playing hall filled with coffee and energy drinks tomorrow. With scores so close together, it's still anyone's game! 

After round 3, I had a little chat with International Master Watu Kobese who gave us his thoughts on the tournament, preparation and what his goals are going into 2024.

Coming soon: An interview with CM Khanya Mazibuko and IM Jan Karsten. If you want to be notified when an interview is published, subscribe to the Youtube channel:

Photo by Jesse February

All games are being live streamed on Twitch: 

Photo by Jesse February


WIM Jesse February

Hi happy.png My name is Jesse February. I am a streamer on Twitch @Jesse_Feb

My other social platforms include: YouTubeTwitter and Instagram.