Chess opening trap - Elephant trap
Written by Jomsup Voranavin

Chess opening trap - Elephant trap

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Hello everyone. Today I will talk about the trap in the Queen's Gambit Decline, that happens frequently for the mistakes of beginner. That is an elephant trap, this trap is for black players. There is a movement pattern, as in the game below.

Elephant Trap

1. d4 d5  2. c4 e6 => This is a Queen's Gambit Decline opening. Black plays 2... e6 to defense the d5 pawn at the center. and decline the gambit

3. Nc3 Nf6  4. Bg5 Nbd7 => Black's knight at the d7 turn off the queen's defense at the d5 pawn and seduce white to win a pawn at d5 by playing...

5. cxd5 exd5  6. Nxd5?? => White led the knight capture at d5 pawn because white saw that the knight at f6 was pinned to the queen by bishop and can't moved. But white has been trapped in a black trap.

This is a position after 6.Nxd5??

6... Nxd5!! => black Sacrifice a queen.

7. Bxd8 Bb4+ => Black takes advantage of the white king's diagonal weaknesses. Because the white's queen at d1 closes the king's escape.

This is a position after 7...Bb4+

8. Qd2 Bxd2+ => White needed to lose the Queen in order to prevent Black Bishop's attacks.

9. Kxd2 Kxd8 => White advantage a minor piece and easy to wins in the end game.

.This is a position after 9... Kxd8

Thank for reading.

good luck to everyone.