How to defend part 2

How to defend part 2

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Hi! I am back, very sorry that this came out a little late. Well, welcome back to my how to defend series.

Now here are some tips to how to defend or how to avoid defending:

1) Develop your pieces, don't give your opponent a weakness to attack!

2) Don't retreat unless it is forced. DO NOT RETREAT UNLESS IT IS FORCED

3) Castle

4) Attack before your opponent, attack reasonably.

5) If you do get attacked do not get nervous or afraid, be more careful and look for counter chances

Sorry this is a bit short today. I might have a part 3 coming soon.

I still can't figure out the puzzle problem, if you have no idea what I am talking about, please visit my how to attack part 2 and if you haven't checked out my how to defend part 1, please do.

Thanks! Bye.


 Enjoy! 🌌


KS-YUnited States


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