Master Chess Analysis 2nd Session

Master Chess Analysis 2nd Session

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Hello All, 





I will be writing a weekly report every tuesday where I analyse games of Users who send in their games as a message to KantheCaroWin (or post in the group Master Chess Analysis )

This week I only recieved one game :( so I will include one of my own games as well

Thanks to hlgchess for submitting his game and I hope for more games next week - keep in mind rating and quality of the game are NOT IMPORTANT and any player can send their games in for free analysis from a titled player

Now let's begin


I hope to recieve more games before my next analysis session on Tuesday, July 21st

In the comments below can you please suggest any topics you would like me to have puzzles on in addition to the analysis sessions

Thanks a lot guys,
NM KantheCaroWin