Beware of the Creeps: A Warning for Social Media Chess Players

Beware of the Creeps: A Warning for Social Media Chess Players

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Hello fellow chess enthusiasts,

As the owner of the Bad Players Club on, I'm writing today to sound the alarm about a disturbing trend I've noticed on our platform. It's a problem that affects us all, especially our female members. I'm talking about the male creeps who infiltrate our community, masquerading as chess enthusiasts, but with ulterior motives.

Recently, one of these creeps joined my club, targeting a specific member with friend requests and messages. But here's the thing: his profile was a red flag. He had 749 friends, 99% of whom were female. Sound familiar? It should. I've spoken to other female players who've received similar friend requests, all with the same pattern: exclusively female friends, no chess activity, and a focus on personal connections rather than the game.

Let me be clear: I'm not prudish, and I think it's wonderful when people connect and form meaningful relationships online. However, we must acknowledge that our platform is also used by predators who prey on the vulnerable, including children.

These creeps often use the same tactics: friend requests, messages, and a push for personal information like photos or social media handles. They don't care about chess; they're after something else. And it's our responsibility to recognize the signs and take action.

So, what can you do? Be cautious when receiving friend requests from users who don't seem right. Check their profiles: are they exclusively connected to females? Do they show no interest in chess? Trust your instincts and report suspicious behavior.

Let's keep our community safe and enjoyable for everyone. Remember, knowledge is power, and awareness is key.

Stay vigilant, and let's keep playing chess!

-KhaoticKnight, Owner of the Bad Players Club