
Astrological chess tournament

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If there is a team tournament between astrological signs, which sign would win?
You can choose any 3 to represent the team in case of many players in the same sign.
Aries: Smyslov- Kasparov- Bogoljubov- Korchnoi- Najdorf.
Taurus: Steinitz- Euwe
Gemini: Petrosian- Reti- Kasrpov
Cancer: Morphy- Benko- Anderssen
Lio: Botvinnik- Marshall
Virgo: Philidor
Libra: Fine- Speelman
Scorpio: Tal- Alekhine- Capablanca- Chigorin- Flohr- Grunfeld- Stein- Torre- Nimzovitsch
Sagittarius: Rubinstein- Pirc- Anand- Pillsbury- Blackburne- Reshevsky- carlsen
Capricorn: Lasker- Keres
Aquarius: Bronstein-Spassky- Taimanov
Pisces: Fischer- Geller- Larsen (see the connection between these three?)- Tartakower- Tarrasch