Luis Ramírez de Lucena

Luis Ramírez de Lucena

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Luis Ramírez de Lucena was a Spanish chess player who lived from about 1465 to 1530. He was probably the first player of the modern rules to be considered the strongest player in the world. 

Lucena wrote the oldest existing printed book on chess, Repetición de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez con 101 Juegos de Partido ("Repetition of Love and the Art of Playing Chess"), published in Salamanca in 1497. The book was written when the rules of chess were taking their modern form and some of the positions in the book are of the old game and some of the new. Fewer than a dozen copies of the book are known to exist. 

There is an endgame position in chess known as "Lucena's Posiotion," but no one seems to know why it is attached to him. See if you can solve Lucena's position in the following puzzle: