
Mental Torture

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I'm not one of the players here on, that wants many games going on at once. I do a lot better if I play only two, or three games simultaneously. I've been getting into the bad habit of accepting to many games than I can handle.

I think I need to make a strict rule: NO MORE THAN 3 GAMES AT ONCE!

I lost one today because I didn’t follow this rule. I don't like losing. If you know me, you know I'm a very competitive chess player, and I always want to win! I may pretend like I don't care, but inside, I’m like a fiery bomb nearing detonation. Believe me, it runes my whole day when I lose a chess game. Hear that? All you people that beat me, you have made me go through all that torture! You'd better apologize! ;) Well, maybe tomorrow will be better...

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Chess has become one of my main hobbies over the past five years. Here, I share some of my Life of Chess, with you.