The passing from Life to the next: "a tribute to my mother"

The passing from Life to the next: "a tribute to my mother"

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This was a difficult week as it was the week I lost my Mother to an illness. The passing of ones family member is a very spiritual experience...well at least to those that believe in a higher power. The loss thou is still a difficult thing to bare, and the sorrow is hard to swallow. but...we all must one day meet that same appointment with God. I often wonder about the things of the next life, and the spiritual destination of ones precious soul. I know my Mother would say if she could..."don't worry about with Jesus..worry about yourselves for you are still present in this sometimes world of hell! She would tell me, "just hold on!" a change is coming! I will miss her smile, her stern look at times, her laughter at when I done something silly or funny. I will miss her touch and that glance of approval and disapproval of things I have done in my life! I have lost my mother..a part of me..a part of my well deserve to rest well...she was as fighter all her life, for people's rights, for equallity for everyone. When the time came..she fought  a hard and long fight for her life...then God came and took her rest well my well! I will miss her, and I loved very much!  Good bye Mom.....

your son,

Van (aka) Knightrunner  

ps-( "Thanks much to MissDragon for the loan of the above pic, I know I should have asked first..but it seemed so appropriate that I had to use it!" )