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What's up, everyone? Today, let's talk about the game that helped me get my last CM norm for the American version of the Candidate Master title. You see, CM is a title you can get in FIDE by scoring a rating of 2200. But in the US, we've got our version that requires you to have a USCF rating of 2000 or previously 2000 and play at the level of 2000+ for at least five tournaments. Sounds easier, right? But how did we get those norms? Let's dive in!

I achieved my first CM norm by defeating a 2100 talent named Akeras Overlingas and drawing IM Yunier Leyva. It was an unforgettable night, and the pride I felt when sharing the news with my mom was immense. Despite her absence, I am relentlessly striving to fulfill my promise of attaining the National Master title and beyond.

I won my 2nd norm the following month at the "New Year's OPEN" tournament with a perfect score of 4-0. I had some insane luck and managed to win against two 2000-rated players. My favorite game was in the last round against my rival and friend Ubaldo, where we had a fun ending with the Caro-Kann..

I secured my 3rd norm at the inaugural "classic" tournament at the Bobby Fischer Chess Club. Subsequently, I attained my last 2 norms at the UM Open, culminating with a remarkable performance of 4.5/5 and clinching the first-place title.

After achieving the USCF Candidate Master title, I surpassed the 2100 USCF Rating Barrier at a closed event. I drew with a FM and finished comfortably in 2nd place, which boosted my rating to 2106. This success fueled my ambition, and I eventually reached my peak rating of 2143. During this time, I even defeated a player rated 2000 in a Miniature Caro game!

After all is said and done I am not finally nearing the end of my Journey towards the National master title. I did lose 10 pts while having my 2143 Peak rating but it was only then that I resurged and only formed a new peak currently being 2177! I am planning to retire from American Chess unless some USCF events are being FIDE rated as well like World Open for example as I find it to be super stressful playing these events simply without much to gain.

the NM title to many is like the start or end of a chess player's potential career and for someone like me, I feel more like a Blitz player and simply want to relax you know? I rather play FIDE tournaments and strive for more like becoming an FM in the future rather than going crazy on how much elo I win or lose after becoming 2200 but that's just me. overall I hope everyone enjoyed my recap and I am telling you guys that this it when I say I will become a National Master!

*EDITORS NOTE* Originally, this blog was planned to celebrate my achievement of reaching the CM title. However, considering the progress I've made on my journey to NM, I've decided to share an update instead. Thank you all for your unwavering support. Always remember to cherish family, and be grateful for your loved ones. Take care.

I am an 18-year-old National Master, K-12 Blitz National Champion, and content creator. You can find me on various platforms under the name BlitzWizard94. If you enjoy watching skilled gameplay, please consider supporting me.

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