Everything but the kitchen sink: how to throw your pieces at your opponent
Sacrificing pieces isn't easy. Here I will teach you everything you need to know--with examples--about sacrifices!

Everything but the kitchen sink: how to throw your pieces at your opponent

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Sacrifices don't have to just be for grandmasters! 

At scholastic tournaments, it isn't uncommon for the stray queen, knight, or any other piece to be flung across the room--Known by personal experience--but what about across the board? Ready to Hurl your stuff at the enemy? Let's get started!

Launch 'em into outer space!

Firstly, some sacrifices may be unsound, and mostly just for fun or to surprise an unprepared opponent. Some may be forcing or do nothing at all!

Every sacrifice is different, so make sure you know what you're doing! 

Here are three basic rules about the sacrifice:

1. Is it helpful, or does it lose too much?

One thing to keep in mind is how many lines (hopefully most or all) work? does your opponent have to make some specific move, or is it forcing?

If you said no to any of those questions, DON'T DO IT! Don't you want to win?

2. Is it complicated? Unclear? 

If you are unsure about your sacrifice, stay away! An unsound sac may lose the game! Also be wary of complicated positions, they're...Well...Complicated...

3. Faster is better 

The faster the time control, the better sacrifices usually work. The major reason that this works is because your opponent has less time to think, and will more likely make a blunder than if they were playing rapid.


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