Be Careful While Training With Computers!
You should take care when the computer evaluates a position.

Be Careful While Training With Computers!

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Hello everyone!

From the beginner's point of view, using computers to analyze games and positions of chess is always good and useful. This is very logical. After all, computers have more calculating ability and safer techniques to evaluate a position and choose the best positions moves.

Because of this, we are used to thinking that we should train with computers all the time, or at least often. However, just like us humans, engines can also fail. Today I will show you some positions in which some computers may fail in their position evaluation.



The first position we will look at is a completely exaggerated example that was made especially to look at engine failures. The position below is completely draw, as there is no way to attack the opponent. 

However, the Stockfish engine evaluates the position as being +0.5 advantage for White. Although this error in position evaluation is small, it shows that in some cases the evaluation of other positions may be wrong. 
Now, let's look at another similar example using the same computer.

In the diagram above, black has more space and material. Black has two rooks and is up a bishop. Stockfish gives 15.68 advantage to black. However, again, the position is tied, as there is no way to invade enemy territory.
Black has more material. However, the rook cannot play and the draw is the most natural result. However, one version of Stockfish considers only the material and states that black has an advantage of 3.57, which is usually sufficient for a win.
This time we will use a different computer: Komodo 9. Look at the position below.

In the diagram, black has a queen, king and a pawn while white has two pawns, a bishop and a king. Komodo 9 gives Black an advantage of 4.43. However, once again, the position is draw because the black king cannot contribute and the only thing white has to do is defend the pawn with the king.
What can we learn from this?
In previous positions, we see computer failures happening in draw positions. If you follow the variants recommended by these computers in these positions, you will notice that there are no improvements in the position and it will remain drew. This demonstrates to us humans the power of creative thinking and the importance of being able to analyze positions for ourselves. No matter just having a material advantage, you need to create a creative plan, which engines are not so good at.
Thank you for reading.