A Guide On How To Get Bad At Chess

A Guide On How To Get Bad At Chess

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If your reading this you probably know i am garbage at chess and i keep getting worse.Today I will be showing you 5 tips on how to get bad at chess.I hope these tips work for you grin.png.

Just don't play chess.

I used to force myself to play 20 games a day nowadays I just play a couple games when I feel like it.This tip is pretty much self explanatory so I won't say to much.


Hyper bullet is so fun and addicting.I used to play it all the time for hours but i stopped.This tip just gets you way worse at chess.If I am going to be honest hyper bullet isn't real chess you just move pieces around quickly and try to flag your opponent. Im bad at chess so that's why i love hyper bullet.


I know that puzzle rush is meant to be a way to recognize patterns and get better at tatics but it's pretty addicting.I played it for 2 months straight to try and get 40 in 3 min puzzle rush which I got but all the tatics i did were useless because i never used them in the real game.My addiction to puzzle rush was on another level and i bet if you go to right now and play one puzzle rush you would just get addicted and never come back.I basically played puzzle rush like it was a game at an arcade when it's meant to be used to recognize patterns in tatics.

Don't study ANY openings

 THIS  is a key factor if ya wanna get bad.Who cares about what the engine says about the 1st best move.Or 30 moves of boring sicilian opening or 100 moves of ruy lopez.When i feel like it i play b4 (which magnus has played but its still a bad move lol) or i play g4 or h3 or h4 and so on.Sometimes i just get bored at chess so i add a bit of spice to it.I of course didn't follow this rule and learned a bunch of queen gambit and french defense theory which was a dumb idea.I started winning games which is of course  bad so i stopped.


I write all day on forums and stuff and trust me I am getting worse i might be 1500 rated in bullet but secretly I am really 100 rated in bullet.Trust me this step works and there is even proof.Most of the people who follow this rule aren't that good at chess.And tbh they are the reason I sometimes play the bongcloud.If ya somehow don't know what the bongcloud it's this

Well hopefully at least one of the steps will work for you but I am sure all of them will.Hope ya enjoyed this  USEFUL blog.Also i feel like I am always apologizing for being inactive on blogs which i was about to do but i posted like 4 blogs 2 weeks agoooo sooo i don't think i need to apologize lol.