Chess is a game and only a game, its very relaxing
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Chess is a game and only a game, its very relaxing

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Chess is very relaxing physically, but not mentally.

But hold on there! I thought you said it is a relaxing game?!

Indeed I did say that; but what I meant was, " chess is just a game, and only a game; it is taking a break from the real world, and things in the real world such as: politics, Facts of Life, heartaches, and the list goes on. But that doesn't mean chess will help you with your heartaches and things that are in the real world, it can only help you with things like exercising your brain; which is indeed very useful.

Take for instance Bobby Fischer, he was very excellent at playing chess, but he was not a totally sane person, if you do not think so do more research about Bobby Fisher.

Chess should not be taken seriously, in other words it's only a game. I hope this blog post was a help to you please let me know, thank you for reading this.