Finally survived a Fried Liver Attack.

Finally survived a Fried Liver Attack.

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The Fried Liver Attack as many chess players know is a very hyper tactical opening where if black plays inaccurately, could potentially lose in as little as 8-10 moves. Due to it's extreme difficulty to play against, most black players play the Polerio Defense (Na5). 

Purely for the challenge, I've been willingly playing against this opening to see how accurately I can play as black against this very strong attack. 

My opponent eventually blundered due to a tactic, but on move 18 for white, though black remains a piece up, if white had mad the move Re1, the position is actually considered equal, and white can play much more comfortably as black must be weary of a number tactics, positional play, and the fact that black's king is exposed. 

Computer analysis via Stockfish shows that even if black manages to hold onto the knight all the way up to the endgame, black's king being exposed still remains a serious problem throughout the entire game, and black cannot afford to simplify by trading down without losing heavy material.