"MATCH OF THE CENTURY" 1970. the USSR national team against the world team.

"MATCH OF THE CENTURY" 1970. the USSR national team against the world team.

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March 29-April 5, 1970 The capital of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, hosted the match of the century, the battle of the USSR nationa
 The idea of a match in which the USSR national team would play against a team of selected chess players from the rest of the world was put forward at the 1969 FIDE Congress of the Chess Federation of Yugoslavia. She also took over the entire organization. We played 10 on 10 in four rounds.

A great history of sostyzanie, was born in 1945, when the Soviet team with a score of 15 and a half, by 4 and a half, defeated, in a radio match, the Olympic champions of the USA.

 USSR — USA Chess radio Match-

The first international chess match at the national team level after the Second World War. The USSR national team transmitted moves from Moscow, and the US team — from New York

Negotiations were actively underway already in 1948, but at that moment, Soviet-Yugoslav relations worsened, not to mention the Cold War.

Global hyopoletic, military, economic and ideological confrontation between the Soviet Union and its Western world.

It continued after Churchill's Fulton Speech in 1946 and until the restructuring of the USSR, begun by Gorbachev in the mid-1980-s.

The Soviet team did not even go to the Olympics, to Dubrovnik in 1950. And the idea of opposing great teams was generally shelved for many years. The idea came to the fore again, in 1970, the leaders of the world team Bent Larsen
and Robert Fischer,
 from tournament to tournament, challenged the Soviet grandees, but it was the Yugoslavs who were most interested in holding the match, who keenly fought with the Soviet team at the Olympics, and most often, everyone took 2nd place, in the tournament of the nation. As part of the world team, the boards turned out to be Yugoslavian, and it was fair and just, and not because Belgrade was the organizer of the competition.                                                                                                             The Yugoslav Chess Federation has enlisted the support of the country's authorities. And turned to suggestions about the match, FIDE. The main contender for the post of head of the International Chess Federation, Max Euwe, not only warmly supported the initiative, but actually became a real guardian angel of the world team. But at that moment, the acting head of the international chess federation, the 71st Folke Rogard, already felt unimportant, and it is clear that he would not go for a new term, he could only send a late telegram to the participants of the match.  The Soviet side was somewhat slow to respond. The newly appointed head of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports, Sergey Pavlov, reacted very cautiously to the idea of the match. And he gave his consent, naturally by agreement, at the very top, only when the chess leaders promised him that the match would definitely be won! By the way, the stakes turned out to be very high. After all, the West, on the chessboard, was opposed by the Soviet model. Piquant, for the international press, was the fact that the match was held in Yugoslavia. The holder will not gain, between political blogs. The main referee of the match was appointed, the head of the Chess Union of Yugoslavia, and the very famous arbitor Bozhidar Kazhic.
Kazhich performed his role on 5+, he immediately flew to the USA to persuade him to play, chewing, the second recluse, Robert Fischer.
Initially, Fischer, hiding with sepsok, reacted to Kazhich's proposal. But at that moment, Bozhidar exclaimed: If you, Bobby, don't play the match of the century, it will be the most important absolute of the 20th century. And soon Fischer was already signing the match agreement. The prize fund was $ 100,000 prizes the winner, the loser of the team, special prizes, creative prizes, the one who won on the 1st board received a fiat, and the one who won on the 2nd board received a Muscovite. The Soviet national team. It was very solid at the time, since Fischer's extra fees had not yet arrived. The action itself was taken by the additional unions, which were located very close to the Yugoslav parliaments. There were 2,000 seats in the hall, but about 3,000 people were actually present, all the tickets were sold out before the start of the match. Josip Broz Tito
carefully watched the fight. The head of Yugoslavia, was a passionate, amateur and fan of chess. By the way, all the participants of the match lived in the best Belgrade gosinitsa: Metropol Palace Belgrade,
 where Tito loved to celebrate the new year so much.
The USSR national team and the world national team brought 12 players to Yugoslavia. 10 main and 2 spare. Two mighty teams had to reveal the best in a 4-round duel. So who joined the team, in accordance with the influence of time, Max Euwe announced that they would form a world team based on ELO  coefficients, which began to be actively used in the early 70s. So the golden dozen the world team looked like this: 1. Robert Fischer
 2.Bent Larsen 3.Lajos Portisch
4.Vlastimin Gort  
                 5.Samuel Reshevsky
6.Svetozar Gligorich

7.Miguel Najdorf 8.