
Vitaly Ceshkovsky memorial in Sochi or how I checked the venue for Magnus Carlsen

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Vitaly Ceshkovsky was many time USSR champion and also a chess coach. His students were Kramnik and Macieja among others. The tournament was held in Loo village 15 miles from Sochi. Sochi as we know is the venue for upcoming Anand Carlsen match. We were accommodated on Aqualoo spa complex which had all modern facilities. The main attraction the Black sea just under our nose. The tournament playing conditions were not good. Too noisy and because the weather was constantly changing, one day too hot other day too cold. Still nobody was complaining. After all this was truly holiday tournament. Only one bright star was among participants Baadur Jobava. He took the first place with easy. Older generation including me were too peacefull. I just got angry when suddenly in round 6 I made terrible mistake in opening against Russian IM Gorbatov and lost. After that I won my last three games and shared 2-6 place. Jobava had 7,5 out of 9 and second to six place finishers got 6,5 points. There was live translation of th egames, but it had not the usual GUI but they just forwarded the moves in pgn format. The overall infrastructure looks good around Sochi after Olympic Games. Only the weather is not going to be nice in November when the World Ch Match takes place. In our tournament over 100 players took part and more then 30 grandmasters. Good place for norms, but mainly former Soviet Union players took part. Information abut the tournament was missing before it started and also after. As usual the marketing is not the best in Russia. Finally I like to show how I play when I am angry after loosing a game. In this game only one move was not the first choise of Houdini.