3 Excellent Pieces of Advice That Most People Ignore

3 Excellent Pieces of Advice That Most People Ignore

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I would like to give you 3 excellent pieces of advice on how to improve in chess. It is not very common that ambitious player who wants to play better is following all of them.


I created the 10-week program to improve your chess that is based on it. Every week you will receive one email with materials and exercises to do. You can sign up for the course at this link (it's FREE):

You will also get a small gift for the start.


  1. play mainly rapids & classical
    Playing blitz from time to time will not ruin your progress, but it is strongly recommend not to play bullets at all
  2. work on tactics every day for at least 15 - 30 minutes
    Make diffrent excersies that improves that element: puzzles, puzzle rush, memorizing the position, compositions. In the first lesson of the free course, I show how to do that in the most efficent way.
  3. analyze your games
    Get conclusions from your previous games and do not repeat the same mistakes. Analyze the game on your own, before you check it with the engine. In the 2nd lesson of the free course, I will show you how to do that properly.

Those 3 pieces of advice will not guarantee fast progress (it is not enough) but without them, it is very hard to improve quickly.