Tartakower Defense - universal line for Black

Tartakower Defense - universal line for Black

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If you are looking for a very universal opening for Black, you should definitely check the Tartakower Defense, one of the lines in the Queen's Gambit. Originally that line happens after 1.d4 but the pattern is so universal that you can use it against anything except 1.e4. The last remark, this is not the line for someone who is looking for opening traps - but for players who want to follow opening principles and get a good position at the begining of the middlegame.

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Below I am going to show you to use that pattern against the most popular plans for white (except of course 1.e4).

  1. Queen's Gambit, Main line, Tartakower Defense
  2. Queen's Gambit, Exchange Line
  3. London System
  4. Other
    If you want to learn more ideas I recommend watching my 1-hour lecture where I explain everything and I am also showing a couple of model games in that line: