The Time of a Great Chess Master

The Time of a Great Chess Master

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Writing this article today is very difficult for me. And it is that supporting a loved one in a complicated time for their health is a great test. COVID 19 keeps my good friend Saraí Sánchez, International Chess Grandmaster, hospitalized and in a very delicate state. She was a member of the Venezuelan Olympic team 9 times defending the first board, National Champion in all categories (under 10, under 12, under 14, under 16, under 18, under 20, under 30, and highest category), three times Pan-American Champion Sub 20 (Venezuela 98, Ecuador 1999, Peru 2001), Pan-American Champion 16 and 18, Female Continental Champion Argentina 2007, Bronze in the Women's Continental Championship. Cali- Colombia 2009, Sub-Champion of the Absolute Sub-Zonal Bahamas 2010, and Bronze medal at the 2006 Olympics in Turin Italy.
I was checking your space on this page, and I stopped to reread your last published article which was titled "El Tiempo", here I share the link:
Saraí says that “Time is like the pawn in chess, it is impossible to go back, however, its good or bad progress leaves us with a unique teaching, it will depend on us to use each tool that it leaves us to take advantage of every second that they give us ... "
Definitely a great message that at this moment I can associate with the perception of time in the face of this health situation that affects her today. That is why I join the gofoundme campaign, while I invite you to support this noble cause under our motto Gens Una Sumus ('We are a family"), through