Chess Puzzle

Chess Puzzle

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Lyubov was in great despair. Snappy and unpleasant to boyfriend, not feel like eating, nothing! Not even sexual intercourse, xexe! She losing position in chess game. But Lyubov smoke little bit weed, and getting the answer! Can you do same with no weed? (Because if you have, Lyubov must go to police and make you arrested, xaxa!)

Black one move away from getting the mated! How do black save - and win?

  • Back in Russia, I was GrandMistress of chess in my village, Korovapavlovsk. I learn at 2 years of the age, before I even learn the piano. I was best in my village, then when to famous chess school in Kharkov, and was Russian Chessmistress by 16. Then Stalin régime destroy my village Korovapavlovsk, all the people to the camps. I survive Kolyma camp by playing the chess. But now as an old woman my brain is not good and doctor says secondary dementia to Parkinsonov disease is making the play difficult and difficult every day. I still thank God that I have chess bad as it is: Bozhe moy, Spasibo Bogu, igrat v shakhmaty nye mogu! Xaxa. 
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