Pawn grabbing in the Scandinavian:  Brave or horribly misguided?  :)

Pawn grabbing in the Scandinavian: Brave or horribly misguided? :)

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In this round I'll be honest with you; I was out for blood! After a painful loss and a disappointing draw, I was hungry for a win and was willing to take some chances. And that's exactly what I do.  


Although I played the ultra solid Scandi an opportunity came up to win the d pawn right in the opening. Already behind in development, I decide to take up the challenge and play 10. Qxd4!? causing black to move their queen 5 out of 11 moves in the opening! Perhaps daring, perhaps... horrible?  hehe


White completes development and pins me up good, but takes the pressure of with Bxf6 doubling my pawns, but allowing black to finish development and march on a pawn up in a complex end game. Tactics arise and one survives. The critical position is especially interesting.  Enjoy!



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