Find Your Chess Rating Here!

Find Your Chess Rating Here!

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How are you, my chess readers? Today I have a test for you all, this test will determine your true chess rating. Well, the rating result is not 100% accurate, but it is accurate. The test will be in puzzle format. To know your result, you need to see where you are stuck (stuck means you can't solve it or need help/hint to solve it). For example, if you are stuck in the 800-999 rating range, that means your rating is around 600-799.

If you are ready, let's start! But before starting, I would like to thank this site for the puzzles. So I don't create the puzzle by myself.  Ready... Set... GO!


This puzzle have a rating range of 100-199, it's very simple and easy skewer puzzle. You should pass this puzzle.


This is an endgame puzzle, but the endgame is an easy winning endgame, anyone stuck here? Most players will find this easy.


This is a beginner winning rook endgame tha also include the skewer tactics to win. This rating range is a beginner rating, below this is new to chess. In this puzzle you need to use a forcing move that leads a winning position for you.


The level is increasing, but this is still very much a beginner puzzle. In this you use the pin tactics to win material. You must sac your queen to win material. Some beginner player may have trouble solving this puzzle.


In this puzzle, you will learn more tactics. This puzzle include removing the defender tactics in order to win material. You must use the advantage of your opponent's overworked pieces.


You must use your advantage of pin, and try to attack even when you are attack if you could win material. More people should be having trouble with this, but intermediate and higher player should still find this easy.


Now you are in the intermediate level. You must find a mate in 3 in the puzzle with tactics including pin. If you pass this, thats mean you are better than 2,000,000+ player in! most people are at the rating of 600-800.


The puzzle in this level is starting to be hard, some intermediate player should be already having hard time solving this. This puzzle include a lots of tactics, this include queen sac, fork, decoy and clearence sac.


This puzzle include a mating net, sacrifice, and it's mate in 3+. This puzzle is an advance level puzzle. You are a good player and you must be dominating is your school or office.


If you still going, you are one more step to be a chess expert. This is a mate in 3+ puzzle that include a lots of advanced sacs fo a mate.


This is mate in 3+ that incluse sacrifice to attack your opponent's weak king in the center.If you pass this, you are an expert!


This puzzle is mate in 3+ that you need to sac the queen, use the pin power, and use the rooks to deliver a checkmate. If you solved this, you should play on FIDE tournaments and you could be a CM or even FM!


You should deserve a FIDE title if you are rated this high. This is already in the master level. This puzzle include so many tactics including, queen sac, discovered attack and check, pin, and using the advantage of doubled rooks. You should be better tha most of the chess players, and you have high chance to win tournaments.


Only a pople at the master level could solve this, this is an advanced checkmate with pins, mating net, and discovered check. Most chess player will find this very hard if they are not a master.


This puzzle is an endgame puzzle that requires great endgame tactics to win. This in cludes the tactics of en passant, discovered check, mathe in 3+, and mating net. If you solve this, you must be a to Super-GM.

So, how was the practice my chess readers? whatever the result is, you still need to learn for an improvement even if you have a high rating. Please let me your rating result from the practice in the comment section!

Edit: I see many of you solved the super gm level, haha don't trust me, i realized's puzzle rating is 1% accurate. Still good work if you finished the last puzzle maybe your rating could be 1600.

And thx for 3000+ views!