2,500 Titled Tuesday games. Welcome to the Club!
photo by Tony de la Riva on Unsplash

2,500 Titled Tuesday games. Welcome to the Club!

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How many players have completed more than 2,500 games in Titled Tuesdays? Most likely, rather a few.

In recent years, these events have somehow become the absolutely dominant form of tournament chess for me. If I still want to participate in competitions in this 50+ veteran’s/coaching stage of my chess activities, it should rather not be over the board, and I want to play against strong opponents. So, there’s a certain amount of logic to it.

And I have played about 2,700 TT games already.

The direct financial motivation in my case is purely hypothetical: I have never scored higher than 8/11 (twice), which is far from being enough anyway. Also, no streaming: I don’t think that it’s a good idea for me.

But nevertheless, various small things keep me motivated for now.

In particular, there are one or two dozen games every year, which, in principle, deserve to be posted in a blog, according to my understanding.

Thus, in the December 19th Early TT blitz there was a curious win versus the Dragon/Najdorf hybrid (a rather atypical edition of such stuff, which can be playable for Black objectively).

My most sophisticated move was possibly also my worst move in this game (?), but it worked!

In that tournament (Early Titled Tuesday Blitz December 19 2023), Carlsen took first place, Nakamura second and Vladislav Kovalev was third.

True, I have not found time for writing chess blogs lately, for obvious reasons. However, I have accumulated a selection of internet games (mainly from TT, of course), so there can be more stuff from me soon.

All my Titled Tuesday games, played before December 19th, 2023 (zipped PGN)

June 2017: very glad with the news that my new chess book, Understanding the Sicilian, is released!

Understanding the Sicilian


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