AI: Mission Impossible? How AlphaZero ruined its own fortress

AI: Mission Impossible? How AlphaZero ruined its own fortress

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Among the available AlphaZero vs Stockfish8 games there's only one which AZ lost with White. This was "hard to achieve" after h4 (D)

where White really has to become overly optimistic/creative to be defeated!

If White is satisfied with a draw here, then almost anything is sufficient (just moving the king from h2 to g3 and back, for example). Black just doesn't have any winning chances at all. But AlhaZero *wanted* to win this with White (as many of us would), and, clearly misjudging a sharp tactical line, eventually allowed the black king to penetrate into White's camp through the d5 and c4 squares, and deservedly lost. 

It's good to know that sometimes even the best AI will be just idiotic.

June 2017: very glad with the news that my new chess book, Understanding the Sicilian, is released!

Understanding the Sicilian


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