Infamous GM Iuri Shkuro to appear in Omelnyk

Infamous GM Iuri Shkuro to appear in Omelnyk

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Infamous GM Iuri Shkuro is registered to play the Ukrainian Rapid Championship (12-13 October 2017)
But he is not registered for the Ukrainian Blitz Championship (14 October 2017), indeed because his high blitz rating (2828, which makes him officially the 6th blitz player in the world as of now) is a fake: he made it by organising numerous blitz tournaments in his town/region against the same people, scoring 100% or close each time.
His rapid rating, 2488, more or less reflects his real level, though he is perhaps a bit overrated in the rapid as well.
Shkuro's classical chess performances, far more modest than in blitz, luckily, are connected with such dirty events as the "Cup of Don" (or "Don Cup") fake tournaments in Russia.
Shkuro is promoting actively his chess school and himself as a world level chess expert at many web sites, created by him.

June 2017: very glad with the news that my new chess book, Understanding the Sicilian, is released!

Understanding the Sicilian


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