The Autumn Chess Positions
(Pic: In Odessa with the book about the 1971 USSR Champion GM Vladimir Savon, recently published in Ukraine by his pupil GM Alexander Moiseenko).

The Autumn Chess Positions

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This position is from analysing a game with a student.

White to play and win!

...The ending from my November 10th 2020 Titled Tuesday blitz game vs GM Shipov was drawn. But, as I found out later, after Black wrongly transferred his king from g6 to e2 (!), I missed a win. Curiously, the following position, found by me while analysing the endgame, is a mutual Zugzwang:

It's a draw if White to move. And if Black is to move, then White wins.

The following position could have occurred in my 1995 game versus the late IM Vladimir Buturin (1943-2020):

Black is to move, and the loss of the h4 pawn is unavoidable. Still, in 1995 I didn't see how White can win the endgame with an extra pawn. And now tablebases confirm that it's a draw.

...I played three times against Vladimir Buturin, always with White, and each time the game ended in a draw. Buturin lived in Lviv, he was a honoured coach who, in particular, worked with Vasyl Ivanchuk at the early stages of Ivanchuk's bright career.

June 2017: very glad with the news that my new chess book, Understanding the Sicilian, is released!

Understanding the Sicilian


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