Mastering Chess Puzzles: Seeing the Board from Both Sides

Mastering Chess Puzzles: Seeing the Board from Both Sides

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Chess puzzles are an excellent way to sharpen your tactical vision and strategic understanding. Today, we’ll delve into a challenging puzzle that will test your ability to consider not just your best moves, but also the potential responses from your opponent. This skill is crucial for improving your chess game, as it transforms you from a good player into a formidable one.

The Puzzle

White to move

At first glance, this position offers several tempting options for White, each seemingly leading to an immediate advantage. However, to find the correct solution, we must carefully analyze why these options fail and uncover the hidden gem that leads to a winning position.

What is Black Actually Threatening? Does White Have a Simple, Forced Win?

Tempting Option 1: Rfe1

Tempting Option 2: Rce1

The Tame Option: Ne3

The Correct Solution: Nd6+!!

After examining these tempting but flawed options, let’s shift our perspective and look for a move that considers Black’s potential responses more deeply.

By analyzing the puzzle from both sides and considering your opponent’s best responses, you’ve not only found the solution but also improved your ability to think critically in real games.


Solving chess puzzles requires more than just finding good moves for yourself; it demands a deep understanding of your opponent’s potential responses. By mastering this skill, you’ll elevate your game and become a more formidable player. Remember, in chess, as in life, the best move is often the one that considers all possible outcomes and disrupts your opponent’s plans. Happy puzzling!

NM Craig C.

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