Keres and The Sicilian Defense
Keres Vs Fuderer and Keres Vs Botvinnik

Keres and The Sicilian Defense

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Whenever we play e4  to start the game one of  the top response is the move pawn c7 to c5 which indicates that only it wants to challenge the white center but wants a dynamic game. There are various possibilities for both sides for attack ,sharp play ,endgames, positional play as well. Today we are going to look at some of the best games in this Sicilian defense played by Paul Keres.

You can learn more about him on Wikipedia.

Paul Keres in 1969.

Game :1 and 2

Why should we develop pieces?

Game :3 The Middlegame Zugzwang
In chess pieces can move according to their will but what if they move and the game is going to be lost .this interesting situation is  Zugzwang.
"A player is said to be "in zugzwang" when any possible move will worsen their position. "

Making Sure your opponent is  inactive

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