ChessTV Achievements

ChessTV Achievements

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You get these achievements by watching ChessTV for a certain amount of time.

  • Watching ChessTV for a couple of minutes gives you the TV Guide achievement
  • Watching ChessTV for 8 hours gives you the Couch Potato achievement
  • Watching ChessTV for 24 hours gives you the TV Junkie achievement

You do not need to watch it all at once, it is cumulative.

One way to get this achievement is to keep a computer on overnight on the ChessTV page and gain hours quickly that way. Otherwise, just watch the ChessTV for the required time.


  1. Go to Watch  -> ChessTV to see if ChessTV is broadcasting
  2. If so, keep the ChessTV page open to accumulate hours

Here is a link to the ChessTV page

Click here to return to the main achievements page