Full House Achievement

Full House Achievement

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You get this secret achievement by checkmating your opponent without losing any pieces in a game of rapid, blitz, or bullet chess. You are allowed to lose pawns though. You can get the achievement in both rated and unrated games.

You can get this achievement by playing a friend unrated with you both working together to get the achievement, or you can try to checkmate a random opponent in a rated game within 10 moves. It is easiest to do this using trap openings, such as the wayward queen attack. These may work against lower rated opponents, but not against higher rated opponents. If your rating is already very high, it may be almost impossible to get this achievement without playing against a friend.

IMPORTANT: Variants do not count for this achievement


  1. Start a game of rapid, blitz, or bullet chess
  2. Play a trap opening such as the wayward queen attack
  3. Hope your opponent falls for the trap and blunders checkmate

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