Killer Pawn Achievement

Killer Pawn Achievement

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You get this achievement by checkmating your opponent with a pawn move. This includes if the pawn move is a discovered check, or if the pawn move is a promotion. You can get the achievement in both rated and unrated games.

Out of these options, checkmate via promotion is the easiest to achieve.

You can get this achievement by playing a friend unrated with you both working together to get the achievement, or you can try to get the achievement in a rated game against a random opponent. Either way, here are the steps to the easiest method.


  1. Get a winning position against your opponent
  2. Trade down into an endgame where you have a queen and a pawn, against your opponent's lone king
  3. Trap your opponent's king on the back rank with your queen
  4. Advance and promote the pawn to a queen

You will need to adapt how you do it depending on what your opponent does, but this is the basic idea.

There are other methods, but this is the easiest in my opinion.

Here is a link to the Play page

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