League Achievements

League Achievements

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You get these achievements by reaching each of's leagues. You gain league trophies by playing live chess games, and the people with the most trophies in each league advance to the next league. More information on how trophies are awarded can be found here:

IMPORTANT: Variants, Daily Games and Unrated Games do not count for league trophies

  • Reaching Wood League gives you the Wood League achievement
  • Reaching Stone League gives you the Stone League achievement
  • Reaching Bronze League gives you the Bronze League achievement
  • Reaching Silver League gives you the Silver League achievement
  • Reaching Crystal League gives you the Crystal League achievement
  • Reaching Elite League gives you the Elite League achievement
  • Reaching Champion League gives you the Champion League achievement
  • Reaching Legend League gives you the Legend League achievement

The most efficient way to earn trophies is through playing bullet games for 3 trophies a win, even better if it is in an arena (bonus trophy awarded each win). These allow you to win more trophies per minute than rapid and blitz games.

IMPORTANT: Some time controls do not count for league trophies, such as 30 seconds. Make sure to play in the standard time controls


  1. Go to Play -> Play
  2. Play lots of games to earn trophies!

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