Lesson Category Complete Achievements

Lesson Category Complete Achievements

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You get these achievements by completing certain lesson categories in's lessons guide. For a lesson to be considered completed, every challenge in it must be solved.

  • Correctly solving all the "New to Chess" lessons gives you the "New" Complete achievement
  • Correctly solving all the "Beginner" lessons gives you the "Beginner" Complete achievement
  • Correctly solving all the "Intermediate" lessons gives you the "Intermediate" Complete achievement
  • Correctly solving all the "Advanced" lessons gives you the "Advanced" Complete achievement


  1. Go to Learn -> Lessons
  2. Make sure at the top you are in the Guide tab
  3. Select any course in a category
  4. Select any lesson, and complete the challenges
  5. Complete all the lessons in a category to get the corresponding achievement

These achievements are significantly easier with premium, as without it, you only get 1 lesson per week. However, all lessons in the "New to Chess" category are free and unrestricted, making the "New" Complete achievement easier to get.

Here is a link to the Lessons page

Click here to return to the main achievements page