Man vs Machine Achievement

Man vs Machine Achievement

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You used to get this achievement by playing one of's bots in the website's 'Live chess' section. However, 'live chess' has been replaced with 'play', and the bots have been moved to the 'computer' section, making the achievement unobtainable. The only way to get is to play a computer in 'Computer', and report it as a bug that you do not get the achievement.


  1. Go to Play -> Computer
  2. Select a bot to play and click Choose
  3. Choose what level of assistance you want and click Play
  4. Once you have finished the game, click on save game at the bottom
  5. Hover over Help in the bottom left and click on Report a Bug
  6. Describe how you played against a bot and did not get the achievement, and click Send
  7. Wait for support to respond and hope they decide to give you the achievement

Here is a link to the computer page

Click here to return to the main achievements page