Number of Lessons Achievement

Number of Lessons Achievement

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You get this Progressive achievement by completing certain numbers of lessons. For a lesson to be considered completed, every challenge in it must be solved.

New levels in the achievement are awarded at 1, 5, 10, 25, 100 and 1000 lessons.


  1. Go to Learn -> Lessons
  2. Make sure at the top you are in the Guide tab
  3. Select any course in a category
  4. Select any lesson, and complete the challenges
  5. Complete lots of lessons to get more levels in the achievement

These achievements are significantly easier with premium, as without it, you only get 1 lesson per week. However, all lessons in the "New to Chess" category are free, unrestricted, and also count towards this achievement

Here is a link to the Lessons page

Click here to return to the main achievements page