Battery FAQs

Battery FAQs

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The picture here is not a plug for this brand, but just to let viewers know what this blog is about at a glance.

Having problems with a mouse, keyboard, remote control or any other device that uses batteries? The first trouble-shooting step is to check the batteries with a battery tester. If you don't have one, then just replace the battery or batteries with brand-new ones and see if that helps or not. No replacement batteries handy? Take out the battery or batteries and put them back in, which often helps at least temporarily. In any case, the next step is to go down to the local Radio Shack (unless you can actually find a local electronics store) and buy a battery tester. Believe me, if you're a typical "gadget nerd" who owns several remote controls and/or flashlights and/or a PC mouse, keyboard and/or other battery dependant stuff it's worth it! BTW the batteries I'm talking about are AAA, AA, C, (pictured above) D cells and 9-volt (the rectangular batteries, not pictured above) NOT proprietary batteries for iPods, cell phones or anything else that uses "non-standard" batteries that are specifically made for a particular device (ie "proprietary" batteries).

Devices that use 2 or more batteries often have one or more good (or marginal) batteries left when they stop working or stop working properly, but you'll never know that without a battery tester, so you'll just keep on throwing away batteries that may still be useful along with the dead ones. AND some devices will still work with marginally good batteries while others will not, but again, you'll never know without a battery tester on hand to find out for yourself. A good example: Flashlights that use multiple batteries will usually get very dim even if one or more batteries are still worth salvaging.

Although I'm not getting pd to shill for Costco I buy my batteries there whenever possible (ie AAs, Cs, Ds, 9 volt) because even though you gotta buy "mass quantities"  (a dozen D cells or 9 volt batteries, two dozen or more AAs or AAAs) at a time, the shelf life is typically 7 yrs and I've never had a pack of batteries last that long without being used up.

Consumer Reports (CR) magazine rates batteries once every few years and the battery report is definitely worth reading. 

As for rechargeable batteries, I haven't used any in years so I can't comment on them from personal experience, but I strongly recommend reading up on them and deciding if you think they are worth investing in. Keep in mind that Brand "X" rechargeable batteries usually only work (or work properly) with a Brand "X" recharger, unless my info here is outdated by now. Click on this link for more info:

Alkaline Batteries vs. Lithium Batteries

POWER: A major advantage of lithium batteries vs. alkaline batteries is that lithium batteries last much longer.

PRICE: Alkaline batteries compared to lithium batteries – alkaline cost substantially less than lithium batteries.

VOLTAGE: If you decide to replace alkaline with lithium, its important to check the replacement has both the appropriate voltage and type/size. Energizer e2 lithium AA batteries produce 1.5 volts, so they can be used to replace any regular alkaline AA units in most cases.

OPERATING TEMPERATURE: Lithium batteries perform even in the most extreme temperatures, making lithium batteries perfect for outdoor devices. Lithium batteries operate in extremely cold climates or extremely hot climates where alkaline batteries cease to function.

WEIGHT: Lithium batteries are much lighter than alkaline batteries. This is a great convenience for portable devices. SOURCE:

Battery trivia: Storing batteries in the freezer is a waste of freezer space. TRUE

The fact that Brand X makes the longest-lasting C cell battery (or AAA, etc) doesn't necessarily mean their other batteries (AAA, AA, D, 9-volt) are also the longest lasting in their class TRUE

 Many commonly available size D rechargeable cells are actually sub-C cells in a D-sized holder.  TRUE  Several years ago CR reported that only Radio Shack made a genuine D-cell battery; I don't know if this is still TRUE or not.

For more battery info click on this link:

And, don't just take "my word" for anything here, inc the links I provided, there's lots more info out there readily available by using a search engine to look up "alkaline batteries" "lithium batteries" "rechargeable batteries" etc. and many battery mfrs provide useful info as well - and not just "our brand is the best"