Phases in Chess

Phases in Chess

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There are a bunch of "phases" a chess player goes through during their career. Be it a beginner, intermediate or advanced player, this applies to almost all of them.

Let's start with the first one, the learning phase. This is when the player learns the way of chess. They learn new tactics, ideas, and mechanics. They keep practicing till they become the chess piece if that makes any sense. 

The second phase is the growth phase. This is when you consistently win games and your rating increases by approximately 50 points each week. This is when you think you are playing well but your opponents are just learning too so... Just know that this won't last long. 

Then is the baseline/peak phase. This is when you win around half your games and this means that your rating doesn't go up or down. It just stays around your current ELO. And this is probably the worst stage to be in because there is no progress, and you don't even go down points. That means that you must stay there, wanting to get more points but then you keep losing just to play again and again to bring back your points to the same range. This phase is also the phase people get stuck in for a long, long time and they also give up here.

The third phase is the god phase. This is when you get those huge ELO jumps. Like from 800 -> 900 -> 1000. This is the phase when you get 10-15 game win streaks. But just know that this too won't last long.

Then is the crash and burn phase. This is when you keep losing. Like those 10-15 game-losing streaks. This phase doesn't last long but is probably the most annoying, infuriating, and painful phase.

Here's where the grind begins. Rinse and repeat.