the Tennison Gambit- The intercontinental missile gambit

the Tennison Gambit- The intercontinental missile gambit

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    While this thumbnail, let alone the name, may seem like clickbait, it is not. This opening it a powerhouse on how to respond to the Scandinavian defense. 

    Let's start with the setup, And show how the Scandinavian defense works.

     While this may seem like the luck of the draw with this opening, since not everybody plays this opening, there is a way to convince them to play it.

They will most likely respond with d5, and if they don't, figure it out, I can't help you. Besides this, we are on the path to victory, with some shenanigans.

While this gambit is unlikely to happen, make sure to keep it under your belt, just in case. After these moves, do not take the white bishop. They can check with their black bishop, opening the rook for the queen. Instead take the pawn. From here its up to you. I gave you all I could, and now, the board is yours. Thank you for reading.