Improve Your Chess Skills

Improve Your Chess Skills

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Hello everyone!

Today I will talk about Improving at chess! Let's go!

Many people likes to play chess better. Some of them just improves themselves really fast but some people are slow at it. Today I will tell You how can You improve Yourself at chess! 

There is many tactics at chess. Chess is endless. Some people thinks stockfish is the best chess machine and nobody can beat him but that is not right. Because chess tactics never finishes and if people create a better AI that can beat Stockfish!

All chessmasters should know tactics at chess or they cannot be good at chess. Let me speak about that tactics!

1- Forks.

I think everyone knows about forks. Even beginners too. But forks are not simple as they seems. There is many variants at forks. The most simple forks are easy to do. You can attack to 2 pieces with 1 move and that is named fork. You can create fork with every pieces at chess. Even King too. If You put Your piece to the coordinate that piece can attack to 2 pieces, that is a fork. Forks are easy to do with knights but some people prefers to do forks with bishops. 

There is different variants of forks. Let's speak about them.

2- Forks which attacks to King.

For example, if You have a knight and You want to get better position, You can create a fork agianst the opponent's king. At simple forks You attack to 2 pieces of opponent but at King Forks You attack to a King and a piece. It is the most dangerous fork because You should move with King and You cannot select a piece to give Your opponent. 

3- Forks while locking a piece. 

If You take a look of the design of the blog, You can see a Locked Piece Fork. That tactic looks hard for beginners but that is too easy to do. As You see, the knight attacks to King and Rook. You can say: "Can not the opponent take the knight with the pawn?". The answer is NO. Because this is a locked piece and You cannot move that. The rook is locking that pawn so if the pawn try to take that knight, that will be a check to the blacks and the rook will create this check. So when the king try to escape from the locked pawn and take that knight, that knight will take the rook and whites will get a better position here.

We spoke about the forks and now it is time to speak about other tactics of chess that You can mate people with that tactics. 

4- Zugzwang.

I know, that is hard to spell for beginners happy.png. But that tactic is the best tactic of endgames of the game. Endgame is a part of chess games, when the game is gonna finish, that parts named endgame. Sometimes You say: "If I move any pieces, I will lose. Cannot I skip my move?". Absolutly no. If You lose something when You move, that is named Zugzwang. For example:

As You see, if white move here, black king will take the pawn but if blacks move here, whites will take the pawn so they does not wants to move but they should do.

5- Opening Tricks.

All the beginners plays 1.e4 e5 2. Af3 Ac6 and that's named Italian Opening. Everybody knows that opening so Your opponent can win You with that easy openings. You have to learn new openings that beginners or advanced people should not know that. If Your opponent has rating under 1500> many times they does not knows Dutch Opening, Englund Gambit, English Opening, King's Gambit, King's Indian Attack or others.

6-Analyzing Your Games.

If You want to Improve At Chess, You have to Analyze Your games. If You analyze Your match, You can see what was Your mistakes so at next match You will not repeat it. Or If Your opponent was stronger, You will learn him moves so You will move that at next match. Anyway You will Improve at chess If You analyze games. Not just Your games. I watch channels at Youtube and they analyzes games which GrandMasters played.

I will post Part 2 ter some time!

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