Top 3 CHESS STRATEGY BOOKS u searched for...[ with pics & brief explanations. ]

Top 3 CHESS STRATEGY BOOKS u searched for...[ with pics & brief explanations. ]

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Sure, I can recommend some good books on chess strategy that might suit your level and interest. Here are a few options:


If you are a beginner or intermediate player, you might want to check out CHESS: The Ultimate Chess Tactics and Strategies! by Andy Dunn and Aleksandr Smirnov. This book covers the basics of chess, such as how the pieces move, the rules of the game, and the most common tactical motifs. It also teaches you how to develop a strategic mindset, how to analyze positions, and how to plan your moves. The book is full of examples, exercises, and quizzes to help you improve your skills.

If you are an advanced player, you might enjoy Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy: Advances since Nimzowitsch by John Watson. This book explores how chess strategy has evolved since the classic work of Aron Nimzowitsch, who is considered one of the founders of modern chess theory. Watson examines the current trends and ideas in chess, such as dynamic play, pawn structures, imbalances, and prophylaxis. He also challenges some of the conventional wisdom and dogmas of chess, and offers his own insights and opinions.

If you are looking for a comprehensive and systematic guide to chess strategy, you might like Mastering Chess Strategy by Johan Hellsten. This book covers all the essential aspects of chess strategy, such as space, center, development, initiative, attack, defense, king safety, pawn play, and endgame. It also provides you with a method to evaluate positions and find the best moves. The book contains over 400 diagrams and 240 annotated games to illustrate the concepts and principles of chess strategy.