3-Check: King+Knight/Bishop vs lone King

3-Check: King+Knight/Bishop vs lone King

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Do you like 3-Check? 😉Today we talking about the checkmate with King and Knight vs lone King /King and Bishop vs lone King in 3-Check.We all know that in standard chess you can't just checkmate with these pieces. Let's try to see if we can do this at 3-Check, assuming the game didn't end in the middle game, which is very rare. (If you find such a game, even between inexperienced players, then please link to her in the comments.) Anyway I think  it is intersting to know .I'll try to check only once , because that's enough,  king the best moves for white and black (if you have other better moves you can post them at comments , I don't want to have a wrong blog).


Lone dark colored bishop can't check without help , because the opponent's king can move on light colored sguares and vice versa , but what happens  when your king comes to his aid?  Let's see !

Wow .Very easy .It is like rook's checkmate. Let's try again ,from another position.
Ok . So you can checkmate with King and Bishop. 
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