Chess Study - Day 12

Chess Study - Day 12

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I solved 5 out of 10 tactics correctly today on Tactics Trainer. My new rating is 1844.

I am going to try to make more progress in reading Endgame today.

Here is a game I lost that I was winning with a Bxf7 attack.

I found Bxf7. I think it works, but I'm not fully sure why. I think I should have sacrificed more pieces, which is a shame, because I often sacrifice a piece, even when it's not a good idea. I once played a game where I sacrificed my entire army...I didn't win that game...

I'm going to try to find someone stronger than me to annotate some of the opening moves.

I may have played this game better but my left arm felt weird and sacrificing a piece was stressing me out. I hit the gym today. 30 minutes on the Elliptical and some stretching.
I'm also trying to eat more fruits and vegetables.
As always, I flossed my teeth.