Strategies for Continuously Improvement

Strategies for Continuously Improvement

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1. Importance of setting clear goals in chess, how it helps a person to get better, and the way to make achievable goals.

2. Focusing on decision-making and strategic thinking while improving through game analysis for strength and weakness identification.

3. Understand their moves by studying grandmaster games and explore how this can affect your own play.

4. Practice tactical awareness enhancing tactical puzzles as well as board alertness training exercises.

5. Strengthen knowledge of endgame techniques and strategies including studying basic endgame positions and concepts.

6. Unveiling online resources, courses, tools for ongoing learning of chess skills.

7. Stress feedback from other players as well as seeking mentorship for guidance towards development respectively.

8. The importance of regular practice and consistency in developing chess skills.

My name is Kristine Mae Mariano, a 32 years old chess player from the Philippines, presently teaching chess and being a dedicated Elementary Teacher developing young brains I make sure that my student has the same passion that I am passionate with when it comes to playing chess.

Outside the classroom, I am engaged as a Writer in my blog where I comment, analyze, depict informative, gratifying and narrate stories from the chess board. All the pieces are part of this tale, the story of my existence in the world of chess, the story of a game that never fades and keeps revealing new aspects.

In the FIDE rating system, I had a ratings of 1888, and the accomplishment was earned through long hours of training per day, as well as countless games I took part in. Being the FIDE ID 5205182, is a privilege to be able to share my passion with millions of others throughout the World, all interested in playing this ancient and exiting game.