The Greatest Chess Players of All Time

The Greatest Chess Players of All Time

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Chess in particular there are definite players with defined characteristics that would place them as a Greatest Chess Players of All Time. 

from the thoughtful Garry Kasparov to the tactical onslaught of Bobby Fischer, legends make the hearts of the chess lovers flutter with their intricate movements as well as determination and unmatched skills on the board.

Gary Kasporov win 13th world chess championship known for his highly ambitious and powerful play and strong thinking ahead Garry Kasporov. He played the game with vibrancy and never let up the pressure so that he would create a niche for himself as one of the best chess players in the world. Similarly, passion and firm determination in practice as well as outstanding vision helped Bobby Fischer become the chess king, unforeseeable but talented, creating an interesting and memorable show for spectators and teammates for many years.

Three times, Anatoly Karpov played professionally against Geller and twice emerged as the winner; Karpov’s eventful strategic chess endgame was exceptional. He never aspired for showmanship and dramatic flair: his staid, reliable approach and a vast fund of chess experience made him one of the world’s leading chess players. The classical chess was always a game of brilliant analytics and tangible patterns of play but, launching into the contemporary epoch, Magnus Carlsen offered the mastery of the chess play that newly introduced intuitive style, resourcefulness, and sheer calculation leading to a brand new epoch of developing novelty into this historic game.

Judit Polgar, the former world championship contender for women, changed the attitudes towards women in chess and rose to the top as a truly talented and tremendous chess player. Not only did she have a great impact on the game and the players, but she will be remembered as the trail blazer that she was for the woman and black players of today’s chess.

It might be therefore appreciated that these leading or legendary figures of chess not only made deep impacts on the board and chess world but also led, encouraged and inspired chess players at different levels with a spirit of embracing the beauty and the complexity as well as the intellectual challenge aspects of the game. This is owing to their strategic planning, exceptional mastery of strategies and forthrightness that epitomates the traditional beauty of chess.

My name is Kristine Mae Mariano, a 32 years old chess player from the Philippines, presently teaching chess and being a dedicated Elementary Teacher developing young brains I make sure that my student has the same passion that I am passionate with when it comes to playing chess.

Outside the classroom, I am engaged as a Writer in my blog where I comment, analyze, depict informative, gratifying and narrate stories from the chess board. All the pieces are part of this tale, the story of my existence in the world of chess, the story of a game that never fades and keeps revealing new aspects.

In the FIDE rating system, I had a ratings of 1888, and the accomplishment was earned through long hours of training per day, as well as countless games I took part in. Being the FIDE ID 5205182, is a privilege to be able to share my passion with millions of others throughout the World, all interested in playing this ancient and exiting game.