Discover Every Chess Personality : All Credit goes to only on
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Discover Every Chess Personality : All Credit goes to only on

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Discover Every Chess Personality :

1. Anaconda

Anacondas love control. Where others seek fast-paced attacking wins, Anacondas like to savour their victories. They will often slowly squash their opponent in the endgame or patiently and inexorably build up an overwhelming middlegame position. Their style may sound dour, but they have a fun nature, and they derive a lot of joy from a powerful win secured with a high accuracy.

2. Artist

Artists have a great love of aesthetics and craftsmanship in chess. They rarely calculate lines to the end, preferring to let their intuition lead them in finding the moves that serve the needs of the position. Artists may not be very ordered students of the game, but they do love to study amazing games and combinations and have a wide knowledge of lovely patterns and ideas. Artists are particularly emotional and can experience waves of both ecstasy and despair as chess giveth and taketh away.

3. Assassin

Assassins are unflappable, meticulous pursuers of the opposing monarch. Once their attack is underway, the opponent rarely escapes. Whether attacking or defending, assassins are unphased by their opponent's threats and ideas. They know that if they wait, their opponent is bound to slip up, and victory will be theirs.

4, Caveman

What Cavemen lack in subtlety, they make up for in raw attacking power. Cavemen rarely have everything calculated to the end, but their intuition is strong, and once they have an attack underway, they seldom let their opponent's escape. Cavemen tend to be emotional, and when riding high, they are a force to be reckoned with. In contrast, when on tilt, they can struggle to regain their form.

5. Grappler

Grapplers are the rare positional masters with a flair for entertainment. Suppressing their opponent's best ideas is the name of the game as they systematically gain the upper hands and seek to force submission. You will often see them trash talking while trading queens. When on a winning streak, Grapplers thrive, but if events turn against them, they can also struggle to re-establish their momentum and success.

6. Inventor

Inventors like to forge new paths with a unique style that combines excellent calculation with powerful positional play. The method in their madness leads to creative ideas in seemingly simple positions. Inventors can handle their emotions well and tend to be confident. Though their style might seem dry at times, inventors find a great deal of joy in uncovering ideas in any position.

7. Jester

Jesters are always having fun. Chess is all just a big game to them, but don't let their playful nature fool you. They are always thinking, and they like to create lots of tricks, traps, and swindles to trip up their opponents. Win or lose, Jesters are fun to be around and create joy both on and off the board.

8. Machine

Machines are relentless opponents, constantly exerting pressure and quickly siezing on errors from their opponents. Machines love to attack, but they are patient and unhurried in the attack, letting confidence and good calculation guide their pieces to the decisive squares. Machines are rarely emotional and aren't distracted by flashy moves - they focus on finding the best move in each and every position.

9. Mad Scientist

Mad Scientists are always cooking up something dangerous for their opponents. Because of their zany personalities, their opponents sometimes understimate their genius. Skilled in attacking play, they often see opportunities and ideas that less creative minds might miss. Their emotional nature might lead to errors at times, but they will always rebound soon with more dangerous ideas.

10. Magician

Magicians know how to set the board on fire. With a bevvy of spells (tactics and combinations) at their command, magicians weave together incredible sequences. Despite their knowledge, magicians can still be fickle, letting their emotions guide their decision making in critical moments.

11. Mastermind

Masterminds always see one step ahead. A Mastermind is constantly calculating, digging deep into the position to uncover opportunities to ensnare their opponents. Despite their methodical style of play, masterminds can be emotional, holding a grudge and occasionally going on tilt if they become obsessed with vanquishing their opponent.

12. Professor

Professors have a great sense of chess culture. They know many chess patterns and ideas, and they let their experience and natural understanding of the game guide them to the right moves. Professors are both great students of the game and great teachers. Rarely emotional, they handle their losses well, knowing it's all part of the game. In every loss, there's something to learn.

13. Romantic

Romantics are full of good ideas. The Romantic doesn't usually win by out-calculating their opponent, but rather they find some unexpected and unusual concept that the opponent didn't expect. Romantic players are very emotional and therefore can be distraught when they lose, but their moodiness also means that when things are going well, they can be unstoppably brilliant.

14. Swindler

Few have more fun at a chessboard than Swindlers. Whether winning or losing, Swindlers know that chess is a game of problems, and they are always creating knightmarish problems for their opponents to solve. Swindlers cherish best those games where they overcome a horrible position to secure an unexpected draw or even a win.

15. Technician

Technicians are great at extracting the most from every position. Once they have a winning position, they rarely let it slip - combining great calculation and theoretical knowledge to bring home victory. Because of their methodical nature, Technicians are particularly in control of their emotions at the chessboard. In the rare case that they experience an unexpected defeat, they will calmly reset the pieces and begin a new game.

16. Wildcard

Wildcards are the rare chess players that can play in any style. When the mood strikes them, they might incline toward attacking or positional play. They don't study chess often, but they do have great intuition, and their ability to sense the right move should never be underestimated. Their emotions may guide their decisions just as much as their intuition - leading them to be sacrificial or greedy, aggressive or defensive, or tactical or methodical.

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