
Análise Elolimeira

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Análise da Eloimeira. Jogado há alguns dias.


No geral, conseguiu coordenar bem. A abertura foi boa. Não sei se consultou ou seguiu princípios (eu segui os princípios), mas andou bem até o sétimo ou oitavo movimento. Aproveitou a brecha que eu deixei com a defesa do cavalo e bispo, mas, infelizmente, errou duas ou três vezes seguidas no final, que acabou custando o jogo.


Agora vamos ao segundo jogo.


As one can see, the second game was a fierce battle. Black had the opportunity to win the game, but missed it.


What about the third game? This game is different from the others, as one shall see:


As you see, the game was build from white's mistakes. One step out on the opening and black launched a queen side attack costing not one, but two Knights and a bishop: the bishop was sacrificed in vain; on Knight was captured by a pawn, the other Knight was left useless on the edge of the board untill it's capture later on. From there, white misplaced it's Queen several times, leaving optimal spaces to which black developed it's pieces while attacking the white's Queen.

ERRATA: on the diagram above, it says ECO E33. It should be ECO B33. Sorry for the mistake.

ERRATA2: on 20th move, there's a comment saying: "Double attack on d5 pawn." The right square is "...on e5 pawn".

And now, the fourth game. This was a genocide. As you will see, white's Knight was able to capture 5 pieces! It's a monster!


As you can see, white took a small tatical advantage on the opening, seizing the c4 pawn. Then, white's plan aimed to the centered black's King, launching a series of attacks while black's queen and knight were on the other side of the board, to far away to quick response the threat. Latter, black comitted a series of blunder, on which white's Knight took advantage mercylessly.

This last game was the longest by far. While the first ones didn't reach the 30rd move, this game reached the 60th. It was well ballanced, with fewer mistakes. Let's see.


It was a good battle, but white lost 2 pieces in the early game, but managed to grasp in the endgame when black blundered, losing a knight. The amount of mistakes and blunders were far less than the preview games.


The next game was very interesting. Black's light-squared bishop stay still until the late game, when it left it's square to the death! Black played the oppening well, but from the middle-game onward she made some blunders. The black's dark-squared bishop made a trip to nowhere and then returned; lost the light-squared bishop and choose the wrong rook to defend. Those moves cost the game.

