chess rules

chess rules

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Step 1.

How the board is positioned Before the game, the board is positioned so that in the lower right corner in front of each of the players there is a white square.


Chess pieces are always arranged in the same way. The second row (or horizontal) is occupied by pawns. The rooks are in the corners, next to them are the knights, after the knights are the bishops, finally, the queen is placed on a square of its color (white queen on white, black on black), and the king occupies 
the remaining square.

It is very easy to place pieces on the chessboard at the beginning of the game.

Step 2.
How the pieces move Each of the six figures moves in its own way. Pieces cannot jump over other pieces (with the exception of a knight) or stand on a square where there is already a piece of the same color. However, they can take the place of the opponent's piece, which is considered captured. The pieces are usually placed so that they threaten the opponent's pieces with a capture (stand on the square where the captured piece stood, replacing it), protect their own pieces that are threatened with capture, or keep important squares of the board under attack.

How the king walks in chess The king is the most important piece, but also one of the weakest. The king can move only one square in any direction: up, down, to the sides and diagonally. The king can never enter a broken square (where an opponent's piece can take it). When the king is attacked by another piece, it is called "check".

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